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Тег japanese_clothes

Turtle scooping game
<i>Be nice to get a little money, though.</i>
If ones like that are showing up, I'm going to have to patrol the festival...
<i>In a lot of ways.</i>
Cheeky as ever...
<i>Long as it's outside the village.</i>
I'll play with you anytime.
<font size ="+1">I'm gonna remember this, you monster miko!!</font>
<font size ="+1">Wubh!</font>
<i>Since you're pretty level-headed for a fairy.</i>
Be sure you keep a good eye on her!
We'll go apologize to the man who runs the stall!
Please, don't be violent!
<font size ="+1">W-wait!</font>
Or would you prefer I get rid of you?
...but if you're going to be playing tricks, I'm going to have you leave.
I'm not saying fairies shouldn't come to the village festival...
Look here, you...
<font size ="+1">Lemme go!!</font>
<font size ="+1">Ack—Reimu!?</font>
<font size ="+2"><i>THWAP</i></font>
<font size ="+1">Gyeek!</font>
<font size ="+2"><i>BOOF</i></font>
<font size ="+1">Mwuff!?</font>
I'm the strongest!
<font size ="+1"><i>Ah ha ha ha ha</i></font>
Somebody catch her!!
What's the idea of freezing all my stock!?
<font size="+2">Hold it, you damn fairy!!</font>

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