Тег whispering

I want to be with Keine forever.
...the first thing I wished for.
...so I'm not going to tell you...
You're not supposed to wish for something that can't come true...
"I thought you'd realize it, even if I didn't say it."
"I thought, maybe, you'd write the same thing, too ... "
I hope Keine and all the other villagers may live on in good health.
I want to be a billionaire. -Hakurei Reimu
I love Mokou.
<tn>Read <a href="/post/show/592468">Hatsumoude</a> by the same author for the reference</tn>
<tn>Read <a href="/post/show/592468">Hatsumoude</a> by the same author for the reference</tn>
Fujiwara no Mokou
I'm the strongest! -Cirno